MIA Class of 1992

We do not have the email addresses for the following classmates. Please fill out the online form or contact Rayna at rayna@januska.com if you are one of the people listed here or you have the email address of anyone listed here. Please include maiden names when applicable. Thank you!

  • Phillipa Allan
  • Alejandro Alvarez
  • Maria Arana
  • Barbara Bell
  • Dan Burkett
  • Diane Cruz
  • Ana Fernandez
  • Dino Fortunati
  • George Garcia
  • Nikki Garcia
  • Deborah Glaser
  • John Goms
  • Edwin Gonzales
  • Jeremy Gotelli
  • Mackey Guerrero
  • Robert Haas
  • Alexx Hayes
  • Fernando Herrero
  • Erin Herzog
  • Chris Karussos
  • Nick Kiriaze
  • Brian LaFrance
  • John Lee
  • Janie Lopez
  • Fernando Marrero
  • Artuo Martinez
  • Jeremy Maus
  • Jeremy McDonald
  • Maria Mendez
  • Jamie Mendibourne
  • Terri Mendoza
  • Alfonso Partida
  • Veronica Peinado
  • Marcela Perez
  • Reeta Prasad
  • Claudia Quezada
  • Jose Ramirez
  • Julio Ramirez
  • Anton Romera
  • Rufino Rosas
  • Jason Ryan
  • Timothy Skomo
  • Carmen Soto
  • Alexandra Steele
  • Juan Tenacio Vara
  • Antonio Valencia
  • Jose Vasquez
  • Jennifer Veach
  • Mercela Vinas